What is Social and Emotional Intelligence? E-NewsIrcel HarrisonSeptember 16, 2024Social and Emotional Intelligence, Dr. Ircel Harrison, Emotional Intelligence
Starting with the Culture E-NewsMark TidsworthSeptember 16, 2024Church Culture, Dan Holloway, Missional Church
Evangelism in the 21st Century E-NewsMark TidsworthSeptember 16, 2024Evangelism in the 21st Century, Mark Tidsworth, The Way of Jesus
Six Items to Consider Before Sunsetting Programs E-NewsMark TidsworthSeptember 10, 2024Church Vitality, Debra Griffis-Woodberry, Church Changes
Coaching with Compassion Rather than For Compliance E-NewsMarci Wilson-BoggsSeptember 10, 2024Helping People Change, Summit Coach Training, Coaching with Compassion
Your Pastor’s Big Decision E-NewsMark TidsworthSeptember 3, 2024Church Transformation, Mark Tidsworth, Difficult Decisions
How Does My Congregation Know They Are Loved? E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 27, 2024Loving a Congregation, Doug Cushing, Pastoral Love
Finding a Place on the Web E-NewsPeggy HaymesAugust 20, 2024Church Websites, Peggy Haymes, Web Design for Churches
GPS for Personal Growth E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 20, 2024GPS for Spiritual Growth, Dr. Paul Burns, Beth Yarborough
Four Strategic Moves Toward Church Transformation E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 20, 2024Missional Strategist, Mark Tidsworth, Church Transformation
What Your Pastor Can’t Tell You, But Really Wants You To Know E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 13, 2024Bullying, Mark Tidsworth, Pastor Life
Do You Know Your Neighbors? E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 13, 2024Phil Tom, Neighbors, Welcoming Visitors
Going for the Gold E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 13, 2024Going for the Gold, Ircel Harrison, Overcoming Challenges
Church: Where The Angry People Are E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 6, 2024Pinnacle Leadership Associates LLCAnger at Churches, Mark Tidsworth, change church member to disciple
The Spirit Drives Our Strategy E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 6, 2024Listening to the Spirit, Ircel Harrison, Strategy
Bringing Joy to Your Teamwork E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 30, 2024Joy in Teamwork, Dr. Ircel Harrison, Coaching
Leading by Preaching E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 30, 2024Pastorial Leadership, Rev. Dr. Bill Ireland, Preaching
Come On Into The 21st Century E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 30, 202421st Century Church, Post-Information Age, Mark Tidsworth
Farming Church – Cultivating the Growing Environment E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 23, 2024Farming Church, Mark Tidsworth, Church Growth
Integrity in Coach Training E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 16, 2024Coaching Integrity, Ircel Harrison, Summit Coach Training