Could it be . . .
. . . that deep in the soul of your congregation, there is a growing desire to be part of a community of God’s people who seek to follow in the way of Jesus vigorously and authentically?
Is the Spirit . . .
. . . birthing a hunger within our congregations for something more than the normal church encounter; something beyond an hour-a-week worship experience that is siloed from the rest of rich, abundant life promised to us by our Lord?
How might things . . .
. . . change in your congregation if members gathered weekly in small groups to study God’s Word, Pray, and share in God’s mission in your neighborhood?
Maybe it’s time to consider launching MISSIONAL SERMON-BASED SMALL GROUPS within your congregation!
Missional Sermon-Based Small Groups
Missional sermon-based small groups is a way of integrating Sunday worship, faith formation, authentic fellowship, local mission and prayer into the weekly rhythm of your congregation.
Here are some of the benefits of organizing your congregation around a system of missional sermon-based small groups
Sunday worship has a lasting impact.
Participants discuss what was said in worship during the small group.
Small group faith formation leads to changed lives.
Participants take a deep dive into the scripture from the previous Sunday’s sermon.
Small Group fellowship leads to meaningful relationships.
Participants go beyond the superficial: “how are you? I’m fine,” so common on Sunday morning.
Small Group self-selects local mission and service opportunities.
Participants get to choose when and how they join Jesus on mission in your neighborhood.
Small Group prayer leads to authentic, congregational care.
Participants learn how trust each other and provide meaningful care for each other.
Pinnacle Leadership Associates wants to share with you how to develop and launch missional sermon-based small groups—a system of small groups that will foster renewal and inspire a new way of being church in the world while also creating a robust life of faith for your congregation.
Click on the boxes below to learn more about ways you can bring Missional Sermon-Based Small Groups to your church!
Meet Rev. Dr. Doug Cushing
Author of Missional Sermon-Based Small Groups
Doug is an ordained Presbyterian Church (USA) pastor and church planter having planted churches in North and South Carolina and has served as a coach and consultant with Pinnacle for 10 years. During his years of church planting, Doug began experimenting and innovating with the various small group ministry models. Over time, he found how small groups can be the load-bearing wall that integrates worship, fellowship, prayer, faith formation and mission. While planting the church he currently serves, Doug integrated the mission statement of the church into his model for small groups as a way of consistently keeping the mission of the church in forefront of God’s people. Doug enjoys working with pastors and other leaders to uncover how the Holy Spirit is working in their context. If you want to learn more about Doug, check out his portfolio here.