Why Might You Consider Coach Training? E-NewsIrcel HarrisonFebruary 18, 2025Beth Kennett, Clergy Coaching, Summit Coach Training
Why This Church? E-NewsMark TidsworthFebruary 18, 2025Crossing Thresholds, Mark Tidsworth, Why Church?
“That’ll Never Happen to Me” E-NewsMark TidsworthFebruary 11, 2025Clergy Self-Care, Transition, Rev. Dr. Bill Ireland
That Which Does Not Change E-NewsMark TidsworthFebruary 11, 2025Leading Congregational Change, Change, Mark Tidsworth
Your Church’s BHAG E-NewsMark TidsworthFebruary 4, 2025BHAG Big Hairy Audacious Goal, Mark Tidsworth, Church Growth
Hearing Criticism without the Background Noise E-NewsRonald "Dee" VaughanFebruary 4, 2025Criticism, Ronald "Dee" Vaughan, Leadership Confidence
Focusing on Our Why! E-NewsMark TidsworthJanuary 28, 2025Lexanne Graves, Focus on our Why, Spiritual Direction
Crossing Thresholds Prayer Guide E-NewsMark TidsworthJanuary 28, 2025Mark Tidsworth, Comparison, Crossing Thresholds
Crossing Thresholds: Breaking Through Invisible Barriers To Missional Movement E-NewsMark TidsworthJanuary 21, 2025Breaking Through Barriers, Crossing Thresholds, Mark Tidsworth
I Never Learned that in Seminary! E-NewsIrcel HarrisonJanuary 14, 2025Clergy Coaching, Dr. Ircel Harrison, Seminary Training
Partnering with Others to Discover and Pursue God’s Mission in the World E-NewsMark TidsworthJanuary 7, 2025Clergy Coaching, Loss and Grief, Mary Wood
The Young Families Church Conundrum E-NewsMark TidsworthJanuary 7, 2025Young People, Mark Tidsworth, Church Growth
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Strong Leaders Are Still Human E-NewsMarci Wilson-BoggsDecember 17, 2024Leadership, Marci Wilson-Boggs, Clergy Self-Care
Make the Music Yours E-NewsRonald "Dee" VaughanDecember 10, 2024Christmas, Ronald "Dee" Vaughan, Christmas Story
Six Essential Functions We Need From Lead Pastors E-NewsMark TidsworthDecember 10, 2024Lead Pastor Base Camp, Leadership in Uncertainty, Mark Tidsworth
A Bowl of Thanksgiving Soup E-NewsMark TidsworthNovember 26, 2024Ronald "Dee" Vaughan, Thanksgiving, Blessing in Struggle