Integrity in Coach Training

by Ircel Harrison

There has been a great deal of attention given recently to uncertified coaching programs that make unrealistic claims about coaching practices and coach training. This sheds a negative light on those of us who respect our coaches-in-training, provide quality instruction, and offer a solid training program.

We began our Summit Coach Training program four years ago with some unspoken commitments but which we put in writing when we applied to become a certified Coach Education program with the International Coaching Federation, the largest professional coaching organization in the world. Here are those commitments:

• We recognize that every person is a unique creation of God, and we will encourage each student to live into their special calling with passion and intentionality.

• We adhere to and practice the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics.

• We will use the ICF Core Competencies (updated October 2019) and the ICF Definition of Coaching as the basis of our teaching and training.

• We will adhere to the ICF Program Accreditation Code of Conduct.

• We will practice a coaching mindset in our teaching and training and seek to instill that perspective in our students.

• Although we will accept all qualified students, we are specifically interested in equipping leaders in churches, judicatories, and faith-based organizations to use coaching skills in their present and future settings.

• We will assist students to apply a coaching mindset in their present place of service.

Be assured that Summit Coach Training WILL NEVER:

  • Offer less than the best instruction for our coaches-in-training.

  • Promise that those who complete our program will be guaranteed a certain level of income.

  • Charge exorbitant prices for our coaching courses.

  • Treat our participants as a commodity but as real persons whom we respect and value as colleagues.

We will always be open, caring, and transparent in our relationships with our coaches-in-training.

Martin Luther once said that being a Christian shoemaker does not mean that you put little crosses on the shoes you make but that you make good shoes. At Summit Coach Training, we show our faith by providing quality training and personal care. If you want to be involved in this type of coach training, please contact me.