GPS for Personal Growth

by Beth Yarborough

As a member of ICFSC, (International Coaching Federation of South Carolina) I have enjoyed several speakers who have added much to my resource list. One of the most recent and the most valuable for me personally, was an introduction to Dr. Paul Burns of Soul Metrics. Soul Metrics was founded in 2019 by Dr. Burns for the purpose of assisting Christian organizations, leaders, and the spiritually hungry in measuring and developing their spiritual health. 

Dr. Burns’s GPS Spiritual Inventory is a measurement tool that he developed during his doctoral work in Christian Leadership at Western Seminary. In addition to his work with GPS Spiritual Inventory, he serves as a full-time pastor. More information can be obtained at his website,

In reviewing my many notes made during our Zoom session with Dr. Burns, these emerged as significant.

  • How does our identity emerge?

  • How does Christian character emerge?

  • Are we able to receive the love of God and experience it for ourselves?

  • In turn, are we able to love others in the same way?

  • Are we attached to the source (John 4:14 – but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.) OR are our hearts clogged?

  • And finally, Dr. Burns threw out the question to us: I can love others except when I _______? for discussion among the group.

At the end of the presentation, we were given the opportunity to take the GPS Spiritual Inventory ourselves. I did just that and was so interested in my results that I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Burns to follow up about my results.

As a tool for personal spiritual growth, a tool for coaching clients and even a tool for working with church leadership I see great value in becoming familiar with the GPS Spiritual Inventory.

I would be glad to answer questions based on my experience if it would be helpful in assessing the product. As of now, I highly recommend this as a valuable resource for us as coaches and consultants.