Integrity in Coach Training E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 16, 2024Coaching Integrity, Ircel Harrison, Summit Coach Training
The 90% of Pastoral Leadership E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 16, 2024Aligning Church Leadership, Mark Tidsworth, Leadership
Pursue the 25% E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 9, 2024Mark Tidsworth, Church Growth, Leading Congregational Change
Team Coaching can Make a Difference in Your Ministry E-NewsMark TidsworthJuly 2, 2024Team Coaching, Ircel Harrison, Coaching
The Classic 21st Century Church Leadership Mistake E-NewsMark TidsworthJune 25, 2024Leading Congregational Change, Mark Tidsworth, Adaptive Change
The Continual Importance of Pastoral Boundaries E-News, BLOG PostMark TidsworthJune 18, 2024Mark Tidsworth, Healthy Boundaries, Pastoral Leadership
Preaching to Pain E-NewsMark TidsworthJune 10, 2024Preaching to Pain, Rev. Dr. Bill Ireland, Preaching
The Church of Diminished Expectations or The Church of Unlimited Possibilities? E-NewsMark TidsworthJune 10, 2024Church Transformation, Ircel Harrison, Church Growth
No More Size Transitions E-NewsMark TidsworthJune 4, 2024Mark Tidsworth, Stories of church transition, Church Transformation
What’s the Difference Between a Group and a Team? E-NewsMark TidsworthJune 4, 2024Summit Coach Training, Church Teams, Ircel Harrison
When Coaching and Coach Training Becomes a Scam E-NewsPeggy HaymesJune 4, 2024Summit Coach Training, Peggy Haymes, Coaching
Why Church Membership? E-NewsMark TidsworthMay 21, 2024Church Membership, Mark Tidsworth, Church Growth
Deep Fear and Enlivened Vitality Cannot Coexist in Your Church E-NewsMark TidsworthMay 14, 2024Fear vs. Vitality, Mark, Missional Church
Preparing Lay Leaders For Inevitable Push-Back E-NewsMark TidsworthMay 7, 2024Leading Congregational Change, Mark Tidsworth, Farming Church
Is Our Gospel Strong Enough to Transform a Culture this Broken? E-NewsMark TidsworthApril 30, 2024Gospel, Mark Tidsworth, Divided Church
Clarifying Church Identity E-NewsMark TidsworthApril 23, 2024Church Transformation, Mark Tidsworth, Church Vitality
Your Church’s Adaptive Transformation E-NewsMark TidsworthApril 16, 2024Adaptive Change, Mark Tidsworth, Church Transformation