The Church of Diminished Expectations or The Church of Unlimited Possibilities?

by Ircel Harrison

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. --Revelation 2:7a

Let’s be honest. Many churches are in a state of disequilibrium. Perhaps it has something to do with location, demographics, leadership, economics, or denominational strife. Is there any church that is dealing with the same context it did twenty years ago?

Given our present situations, churches have choices. Some will become “the church of diminished expectations,” while others will become “the church of unlimited possibilities.” What’s the difference?

In the church of diminished expectations, we hear the congregation saying:

  • “I remember when… ” Those who say this are looking to the past not to learn lessons, but as an excuse for the congregation’s present stagnation.

  • “We used to… ” These folks are holding onto things that were important in the past but no longer engage and empower disciples.

  • “People don’t…” We can’t thrive because people are not who they used to be. Who is?

  • “We can’t…” This really means, “We don’t want to.”

In the church of unlimited possibilities, congregants say:

  • “How might we… ? They are open to possibilities.

  • “What can we… ?” Recognizing where God has placed us, what is our mission right now?

  • “What if…? We are open to trying new things that will connect with our community and bear witness to Christ.

  • “What are we gifted to…? Certainly, our situation has changed, but we are not without resources.

The primary difference is that one is listening for the Spirit of God for leadership in mission discernment while the other only looks to God for consolation.

What is the Spirit of God saying to your church?