Why Might You Consider Coach Training? E-NewsIrcel HarrisonFebruary 18, 2025Beth Kennett, Clergy Coaching, Summit Coach Training
I Never Learned that in Seminary! E-NewsIrcel HarrisonJanuary 14, 2025Clergy Coaching, Dr. Ircel Harrison, Seminary Training
Partnering with Others to Discover and Pursue God’s Mission in the World E-NewsMark TidsworthJanuary 7, 2025Clergy Coaching, Loss and Grief, Mary Wood
Coaching Can Expand Your Ministry E-NewsIrcel HarrisonNovember 12, 2024Clergy Coaching, Dr. Ircel Harrison, Coaching for Discipleship
What is Coaching? E-NewsMark TidsworthNovember 21, 2023Clergy Coaching, Dr. Ircel Harrison, Summit Coach Training
Ready to Take Your Ministry to the Next Level with Coaching? E-NewsMark TidsworthAugust 8, 2023Clergy Coaching, Ircel Harrison, Summit Coach Training
Coaching Sounded Nice, But I Didn’t Have a Clue Marci Wilson-BoggsMarch 1, 2022Clergy Coaching, Coaching, Marci Wilson-Boggs, Pinnacle Leadership
Five Recognized as Summit Certified Life Coaches Mark TidsworthJanuary 11, 2022Coaching, Clergy Coaching, ICF, International Coaching Federation, Ircel Harrison
When You Don’t Know the Next Step to Take Marci Wilson-BoggsNovember 30, 2021Dr. Ircel Harrison, Next Steps, Clergy Coaching, Coaching
A Theology of Coaching Mark TidsworthJuly 20, 2021Theology of Coaching, Creative Risk-Takers, Coaching, Clergy Coaching
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Mark TidsworthJune 18, 2021Stay or Go?, Spiritual Direction, Leaving a Ministry, Clergy Coaching
None of Us Is As Smart As All of Us Mark TidsworthMay 11, 2021Staff Development, Church Roles, Church Teams, Church Coaching, Clergy Coaching