We Need You, Ash Wednesday

by Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

We need you Ash Wednesday THIS year, we need you more than ever

The obvious deformation of the world we knew

Including church paradigms, political parties, communication patterns, workplace rhythms, and educational systems

Clearly the former ways are not returning

So help us scream, rage, curse, rant, rave, mourn, cry, and indulge nostalgia one last time

Help us do whatever it takes to detach from what was

Liberating us from nostalgic illusions

Freeing us to actively participate in what’s emerging

Transforming us toward proactive, invigorated, followers of Jesus

Engaging the world that is and shall be

Sprinkling salt and shining light

So, let’s go all in this Ash Wednesday
Grieving what was, one last time
Laying down snap back illusions
Taking up the call to proactively participate with God’s reshaping of this world around us

Note: Find Prayers, Posts, Poems, Liturgies, Reflections, and Adventures like this from Mark in his personal blog at marktidsworth.com.