Don’t Worry, Be Happy

by Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

Here's a little song I wrote

You might want to sing it note for note

Don't worry, be happy

In every life we have some trouble

But when you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy

Don't worry, be happy now

-Bobby McFerrin, Released 1988

It’s okay to be happy. It’s okay to enjoy seeing people. It’s okay to find deep satisfaction in simply being together, worshipping, and fellowshipping (to use an old church word). The scriptures are filled with encouragement toward rejoicing, in season and out.

After all we’ve been through the last two years, rejoicing in this Spring season is good and healthy. Yes, I know you are hesitant, hearing it in your voice and seeing it in your body language. You are reluctant to give into happiness, distrustful and hesitating. It’s been so long that some have forgotten how to be happy, while others have counseled themselves into happiness-denial, a coping mechanism during hard times.

But no more. We’ve reached the point when we can’t wait around any longer to live. In the words of Bobby McFerrin, Don’t worry, be happy!

Sure, there is still injustice in this world. Yes, plenty are lonely due to isolation. Yes, war broke out in Eastern Europe two weeks ago. The pandemic lingers in various places and people.

Yet, being happy is not a betrayal of our mission nor neglect of those who are hurting. Participating in the joy of the Lord is one way to protest injustice and suffering. Regardless of what’s happening in the world, joy can’t be snuffed out. Beyond happiness, Christ-followers know a deep, abiding joy which circumstances cannot constrain.

But what about Lent? Aren’t we to put away all rejoicing these 40 days?

If Lent includes releasing those obstacles between us and God, clearing the spiritual debris, and detoxing from the cares of this world, then this is a great time to jettison happiness-distrust. This may be a good time to collectively lay aside the pandemic-shaped baggage your church picked up along the way.

So, how about planning a fellowship event? How about getting together just for fun? How about celebrating… well, everything possible? How about simply being church together, doing and enjoying the basics, being alive?

Regardless of how trite it sounds, maybe Bobby can push us along.

Here’s a little song I wrote….