Reflections From The Field

Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

Well, not directly from the field, but instead from social media posts. This article is not actually an article at all, but a list of social media posts over recent weeks. I’m sharing these in hopes that you will something relevant to your corner of God’s vineyard; transferable in some way. Blessings to you and may God bless us as we partner with God toward the kingdom coming to earth as it is in heaven.

Two Spiritual Dynamics That Cannot Coexist in Churches: Fear of Member Loss and Church Vitalization

ReShaping Church

May we be accused today of being too liberal because we believe God loves all, even those who accuse

May we be accused today of being too conservative because we pursue transformation toward the good through Christ

May we be accused today of being too liberal because we believe it's our responsibility to care for those who society neglects

May we be accused today of being too conservative because we won't exploit the financialy fragile for economic gain

May we be accused today of being to liberal because we forgive those who wrong us without exacting revenge

May we be accused today of being too conservative because we see God's hand working through scripture to shape our lives

May we live beyond the categories this day, reflecting the One who calls us to a bigger and better way, Jesus the Christ

What got us here won't get us there unless there is exactly the same as here

Church Leadership 101

Leaders use their emotional intelligence to draw out the best in their people, focusing that best on the mission, leading to unity. Leadership posers use their emotional intelligence to draw out the worst in their people, using fear and manipulation resulting in deep divisions, tension, and in-fighting. Differences become obvious over time for those with the eyes to see.

Basic Leadership 101

When we allow anyone to ruin our day or send us into a rage or deflate our hopes or shut us down....Then we may have elevated that person to near god-status, giving over too much power to another human being. You are in charge of you, under God, so don’t try outsourcing control of yourself to another. You are in charge of you, under God. That is all.

Encountering more and more people with spiritual awakenings in Coronavirus Land - recognizing their idols of materialism, success, busyness, career, hubris, political affiliation, and even “church-success.” Due to forced withdrawal, awakening to God’s presence, love, and power. God works good from everything; awakening those with the eyes to see and ears to hear. Thanks be to God.

Church relevance has nothing to do with music styles, screens or not, nor what worship leaders wear. Genuine love for one another, living out the gospel in our current world, and influencing the personal and societal issues of the day through the Way of Jesus...these make churches relevant. The rest is window-dressing.

For I was a Facebook stranger and though you disagreed with me, you treated me with dignity and respect.

Echoes of Matthew 25

“Up to this point I was living the Christian life in a very unchristian way. But then something happened, something that has changed and transformed my life. I discovered the Sermon on the Mount. “

Dietrich Bonhoeffer. (See Mathew 5-7, Holy Bible)

Remember that time you were accused of hanging out with the wrong kind of people? (eating with sinners)

Remember that time you were accused of not being religious enough to be acceptable? (ignoring Sabbath rules)

Remember that time you were accused of giving too much grace to people who don't deserve it? (woman at the well)

Remember that time when you were suspect for associating with another race? (ministry in Samaria)

Welcome to Jesus' world; you resemble him (see gospels in New Testament).

Pastors and church staff persons, now that we are beyond the Coronavirus crisis stage and into the chronic stage, sustainable work rhythms and care of the soul are higher priorities. Anyone can sprint for a while (the first 4-6 weeks), but we are in an endurance event now. Stopping at the aid stations, keeping the spirit, mind, and body metaphorically hydrated really helps prevent hitting the wall or having to drop out of the race (burn-out). Let's use the brains God gave us to steward ourselves well.

Pastors, when you leave a church for another call, for retirement, for whatever them enough to leave in every way, totally removing your influence. If you feel like you can't do this because you love them so much, recognize that's about you and not about them. Love them enough to leave them with another shepherd; and ultimately the Good Shepherd (because we are tired of cleaning up the messes otherwise).

There's a presenter/teacher/trainer who I've admired/appreciated/respected for a long time now. His theology and understanding of God are beyond me; stretching my thinking. Even more, what's so compelling about him is how he relates to those who are trying to "catch" him or "put him in his place" during presentations...he responds with such grace and patience, always giving others benefit of the doubt and attributing positive intent to their questions (which seem to be thinly disguised attacks). Watching this, I find myself wondering how he does it; where he gets such a deep well of spiritual strength. Even more than the content of his teaching (which is exceptional), the way he treats others makes me want to know Jesus like he knows Jesus. The Way of Jesus in action is compelling and beautiful.


Helen Renew