Doug Cushing, Pinnacle Associate

What a difficult time to be a pastor! Living in these increasingly polarized times makes it very challenging to serve and lead a congregation. This polarization often cuts across political lines in our pews, threatening to divide our congregations and subvert the bond of Christian love between members. Among the most vexing struggles that echo through the hallways and church parking lots sound like this: “Do we wear masks in worship… or not?” “Will our congregation make a statement that Black Lives Matter…or not?”

Yet, most people in our congregations are sick and tired of the polarization that grips our land. Believers are looking for practical ways to unite and grow the bond of love within the church.  One of the goals of a Purple Church is to unite left-leaning, centrist and right-leaning believers by strengthening the bond of Christian love between them.

The four-week webinar: An Emerging Vision For the Purple Church, will offer concrete practices designed to unite believers by teaching them how to look in love at church members who are politically opposite and begin forging a common future.

In the September 15th webinar, we will discuss four concrete ways to begin the conversation about becoming a Purple Church with your congregation. Specifically, we will explore four foundational biblical texts for a Purple Church. Then, participants will share their challenges as they seek to lead and unite God’s people during these deeply polarized times.

In the September 22nd webinar, we will explore the causes of political polarization and contempt in our churches and offer three counter-cultural practices to reduce contempt and grow the bond of Christian love.

In the September 29th webinar, we will discuss the emerging vision for the Purple Church in conversation and study. This webinar will offer concrete steps for how to disagree better with fellow Christians.

In the October 13th webinar, we will look at the emerging vision for the Purple Church in worship and mission. This webinar will provide practical tips for uniting your church in mission and worship. 

Helen Renew