Becoming the Purple Church

Doug Cushing, Pinnacle Associate

A recent Pew Research finding concluded that: “Political polarization is the defining feature of early 21st century American politics, both among the public and elected officials.” Might it be the same in our churches? Is it becoming increasingly difficult in your church to have conversations that don’t become politically polarized? Are you looking for ways to preach, pray, study and be on mission that unite rather than divide your conservative, moderate and progressive members?

The Purple Church is made of red-leaning conservatives, moderates and blue-leaning progressives who band together to embrace Jesus’ command in John 13 to: “love one another,” with the John 17 goal that “all may be one.” This four-week webinar will offer some hopeful ‘first-steps’ toward becoming a Purple Church as well as an emerging vision for how a Purple Church engages in study, mission, worship and prayer that unite church members and strengthen the bond of Christian love.

In the September 15th webinar, we will discuss four concrete ways to begin the conversation about becoming a Purple Church with your congregation. Specifically, we will explore four foundational biblical texts for a Purple Church. Then, participants will share their challenges as they seek to lead and unite God’s people during these deeply polarized times.

In the September 22nd webinar, we will explore the causes of political polarization and contempt in our churches and offer three counter-cultural practices to reduce contempt and grow the bond of Christian love.

In the September 29th webinar, we will discuss the emerging vision for the Purple Church in conversation and study. This webinar will offer concrete steps for how to disagree better with fellow Christians.

In the October 13th webinar, we will look at the emerging vision for the Purple Church in worship and mission. This webinar will provide practical tips for uniting your church in mission and worship. 

Helen Renew