Interim Transitions and New Beginnings

by Andy Casto-Waters

Full disclosure: I do not remember many specifics of what I learned in my Old Testament Theology class from seminary. But one detail has remained with me, especially as I have spent the last 15 years as a Transitional Pastor. Walter Brueggemann noted that one aspect of the story of Job is a pattern found throughout Scripture: a pattern of “Orientation, Disorientation, Reorientation.” We are familiar with a way of life (Orientation) before something happens that shakes us (Disorientation). Once we make our way through that time, we emerge changed (Reorientation). We recognize that our world is not the same, and the ways in which we operate have changed as well. Brueggemann said this pattern is the one of Christian faith, and it happens often and repeatedly.

This pattern he described has parallels to William Bridges’ seminal work Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes, in which he states a transition begins with an ending, enters a neutral zone of discernment, followed by a new beginning. Various transitional ministry training programs may focus on developmental tasks or congregational focus points, all of which are important for a church to attend to in their time between pastors. With more data from more transitional pastors, there is a great need to pay attention to those areas when guiding a church that finds itself in this transitional period. I have also found that attending to this emotional process of Ending - Neutral Zone - New Beginning opens a way to help a congregation navigate a season of transition.

I will be sharing more of these parallels during an Interim Transitions WEBINAR next Tuesday September 12 at 3:00 pm EDT (Eastern). By looking at Bridges’ steps in more depth along with specific focus points for an interim time, I will share some insights and pitfalls from my time as a Transitional Minister. I hope you will join me. You may sign up HERE.