Proactively Choosing A Growth Mindset

by Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

For as one thinks within one’s self, so that one is. —- Proverbs 23:7

We are to a critical time. The end of last week, the CDC changed its recommendations regarding masks and social distancing. Life is opening up here in this USA when it comes to the Coronavirus. This means we will engage each other in new and more substantive ways in the coming months. This will be an opportunity for us to check in, touch base, and check our pulses. In the process, we will see how we are doing; what our mindsets are by now.

So I would like to offer three articles in this e-newsletter focusing on growth mindsets for Christ-followers and churches. Those reading ReShape: Emerging Church Practice In A Volatile World will recognize some of this content. We are at another significant transitional time with the world opening up as it is…with a clear need to proactively choose our mindsets. This is a great time for churches and their leaders to give their best toward shaping the mindsets of those disciples in their care.

Before going any further, one might ask why we give attention to choosing our mindsets. Isn’t this a no-brainer? Don’t all disciples of Jesus look for the spiritual growth opportunities in every life experience? Well, this is our aspiration. We want to grow as disciples through everything that comes our way. Yet, it’s clear that too many of us are so caught up in the vicissitudes of our lives that we miss the Kairos moments. We do this individually and as churches. We are overwhelmed by the emotional overload or we are overburdened by the workload. We interpret adverse circumstances as God’s wrath rather than God’s invitation. We give in to despair rather than looking for God’s sustaining power during volatile events. This is why we need to be decisive about our mindsets. There are so many influences trying to convince us to shut-down or ignore transformation opportunities that we must be determined to find God’s invitation toward spiritual growth.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” — Romans 12:1-2, NRSV

Disciples of Jesus believe every life experience is an opportunity to accept the call toward renewing of our minds. Everything which comes along presents to Christ-followers a spiritual growth moment, life disruption events included. Inherent in the call to follow Christ is the call to transformation. God loves us completely as we are, yet loves us too much to leave us as we are. Through the renewing our minds, our perspectives, we discern what God wants; that which is good and acceptable and complete. This is the journey we travel, as individuals and as churches. We expect to become different as a result of engaging with God in our present life circumstances. This Way of Jesus contains within it the assumption that we are on a journey of transformation, becoming different people as we travel along life’s way.

Since renewing our minds includes pursuing a growth mindset, looking for God’s invitation toward growth and mission advancement in every life circumstance, how do we develop this kind of mindset? Join me for article two in this series for more. In the meantime, may we become reflections of our Lord who inspires us to proactively pursue the growth opportunities in every life circumstance.