Pinnacle Progress Notes

Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

Thank you to all asking how we are doing at Pinnacle. Though these articles are typically not about us, I would like to make an exception and respond to your interest (which we really appreciate), with these progress notes.

Just before the plague struck, we did our team retreat in February 2020. Identifying five aspirations to pursue the next 2 years, one has provided over-sized influence.

Creative Best

Cultivating a wildly creative and synergistic ministry ecosystem for team members, resulting in our best contributions to God’s mission.

This aspiration described what we have been doing in Pinnacle for some time (intentional culture cultivation) and what we will continue pursuing. The following developments are the fruits of those labors.

  • Moved all our services online (as did most churches) – Though we were already doing much coaching through Zoom, as well as our team meetings, we moved everything else online.

  • Expanded our engagement – Going online opened the doors for clergy, church staff, churches, and denominations to access our services without geographical limitations.

  • Emerging Church Practice Webinars – Spring and Summer, 2020

  • New Book by Mark Tidsworth – ReShape: Emerging Church Practice In A Volatile World, published August 2020 by Pinnacle Leadership Press.

  • New Book E-Book by Ircel Harrison coming April 2021

  • New Church Transformation Initiative – ReShape; Next Community of Practice begins in July 2021

  • Pivoting in Thriving Congregations Initiative through Central Seminar from Farming Church to RESHAPING CHURCH

  • New Pastor Life Podcast by Rhonda Abbott Blevins and David Brown

  • New Coach Training Initiative called Summit Coach Training led by Ircel Harrison

  • New Transforming Preaching Initiative led by Rhonda Abbott Blevins

  • New Associate Michael Turner and another new Associate coming soon

  • Expanded Clergy Collective to 11 states and 6 denominations

  • Expanded our YouTube Channel with greater use (please subscribe)

I’m pretty sure I’m leaving several developments off this list due to the swift innovation of our team and my brain space limitations.

Reviewing these progress notes leaves me with two very clear insights.

First, I’m so grateful Pinnacle is a TEAM-based organization. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate these partners in ministry. They have warmed my heart over and over again, being the hands and feet of Christ during this pandemic. Being in community, serving in community, makes life so much better and richer. Grateful!

Second, I’m so encouraged about the future of this Christian movement. Though we’ve had our share of challenges and adversity like everyone else, it seems like we are right there on the edge of the wave, surfing into God’s unfolding activity through God’s Church. I can’t tell you how exhilarating and exciting this is. But many of you already know. You are right there, on the next board over, riding the same waves.

Grateful we are

Riding the waves with you we are

Eager to partner we are

Roll on O Church, roll on!