A Personal Note

Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

Hi E-news Readers,

Though I love connecting with you through articles on church leadership, appreciating your comments and conversation in response, I’m reaching out to you more personally this time around. Given the craziness of 2020 so far along with what is yet to come, I first want to express my deep appreciation for you. Your trust and continued partnership in the Way of Jesus strengthens our faith and encourages our hearts.

When everything changed in late March, so did our ministry. Since most of my service through Pinnacle was doing in-person presentations, most of my income evaporated. The Paycheck Protection Program stepped in to plug the financial gap for several months, giving us breathing room for reshaping ourselves. Even so, we lived with significant questions about sustainability and vocational calling, like so many others.

During that unsettling experience, I’m so grateful for God’s unwavering guidance. In 2008 when I left the Center For Clergy & Congregations to start Pinnacle (during the Recession no less), there have been plenty of challenging times. Yet each and every time we went to God, questioning this calling, God’s answer remained the same. Though I can’t claim to hear God for sure, the best this human could discern, God’s answer remained, “Carry on.” And then, in those times when I questioned further, it seems like God was saying (perhaps with some irritation), “Didn’t I answer that question already. If I change my answer I will let you know. Quit asking and get on with it!” I’m so grateful this same reassuring guidance is there again during this crazy year.

So besides expressing my appreciation for your partnership during unsettled times, I’m also appreciative of this Pinnacle Team’s response to ongoing volatility. Another reason I’m not writing about church leadership this enews is I’m so busy coordinating the creative and innovate ministries rising and launching through Pinnacle. Cleary our team saw the pandemic as a challenge to discover the creative opportunities therein. Here are some of the fruits of our work in the vineyard.

  • Created new language like “ReShape” and “Emerging Church Practice”

  • Hosted the ECP webinar series with participants from around the country

  • Moved the Clergy Collective Online, including clergy from so many different places

  • Launched Transforming Preaching Initiative

  • Launched Summit Coach Training

  • Wrote a book, ReShape: Emerging Church Practice In A Volatile World, which is also a Transforming Church Initiative (Waiting for Amazon to publish)

  • Revised our approach to Lilly Endowment funded work with Central Seminary, creating ReShaping Church, A Thriving Congregations Initiative

  • Collaborated with two denominations on their Lilly Grant Proposals for this coming year

  • Launched Pinnacle Press Digital Downloads with 2 publications

  • Added a new Associate (welcome Robin Sandbothe)

These are only the new innovative activities of our team. Our coaching and training ministries carry onward as usual, though more online than before. From the very inception of Pinnacle we clearly pursued a team model of ministry. More than ever before, I’m so grateful for this engaged team of partners here in 2020.

So here we are on the verge of the Fall ministry season…one unlike any before. Due to God’s clear guidance and sustaining companionship, we are so eager to launch into the unfolding story of God in our world. Moving forward with such faithful partners in ministry like you and this team…there’s no telling what kind of holy adventures await. Let’s roll!

Helen Renew