Episode 20: Braver Angels

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In this special episode, David & Rhonda explore the second of several potential frameworks or methods that pastors might use when engaging in Courageous Conversations.

Rhonda interviews Rev. Beth Head, a retired pastor in the Unity Church tradition and current Florida state coordinator of Braver Angels, a non-partisan, non-religiously-affiliated organization founded to “bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic.”

In the opening of the podcast, Rhonda mentions that her congregation is exploring ways to connect with Braver Angels. She imagines that they might use this framework to engage courageous conversations within her congregation, and later potential offer these opportunities to the larger community. (David just made a note to follow up with Rhonda at the end of Season 3 to see how this is going…)

While not particularly religiously oriented, Braver Angels counts among its volunteer leaders a number of active and retired clergy.

Beth describes the Braver Angels’ Way: 1) encourage everyone to state their views fully and freely, without fear, 2) welcome opportunities to engage those with whom we disagree, 3) treat people who disagree with us with honesty and respect, 4) seek to disagree accurately, avoiding exaggeration and stereotypes, and 5) look to find common ground where it exists, and if possible find a way to work together.

If you want to partake in the many offerings of Braver Angels, and you can afford the $12 annual membership on your pastor’s salary, you can become a member HERE.

Beth mentions a Braver Angels workshop called Depolarizing Within, which invites participants to recognize the polarization that exists even within our own hearts.

Rhonda Blevins