The Multi-Services Complaint Indicator
by Rev. Mark E. Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader
“If we could just get our two services together more often, maybe once a quarter, then our unity would rise and these problems would fade. We miss not all being together in worship, and this would help us know each other. Then we will be a more vitalized church.” --Classic Multi-Services Complaint
How many times during training events or consultations have we heard some version of this multi-services complaint? Well, enough to give it the label “classic.” Of course this complaint is limited to churches who have more than one worship service, whether two, three, four, or more. It’s remarkable how tenacious this complaint remains, continuing to appear and influence when many other complaints fade away.
Over time though, I’ve grown quite fond of this classic complaint. Through experience, I’ve learned this complaint actually turns out to be quite useful as an indicator, as a sign for church leaders. When the multi-services complaint rises, dropped into the middle of the room, it’s drawing attention to church dynamics.
An indicator the size transition from single-cell organism to multi-cell organism is incomplete
We all carry an internalized image of a “successful” or “effective” church in our brains, formed by many experiences over time. Often, this image is clearly imprinted by the church in which we grew up. When that church had one worship service each Sunday, allowing us to see and engage with most everyone each Sunday, then our brains decide this is how church is and should be. Later, when we are in multi-worship service churches, there is an unconscious part of us always suggesting we should go back to one worship service. The work of size transitions (embedded in our Crossing Thresholds Visioning Process) is to expand our internalized church-perceptions, leading us to accept we will not know everyone across multiple worship services, giving our blessing to this dynamic. When disciples in churches are not able to expand their thinking, giving blessing to this dynamic, they tend to suggest, infer, or actually lobby for shrinking back to one service. A friend of mine humorously calls this move a “church insmallment campaign.” This classic multi-services complaint can be an indicator for church leaders that the size transition from single-cell organism to multi-cell organism needs attention.
An indicator that unity is lacking
…with the wrong unit-building strategy applied. When there is insufficient unity, this classic multi-services complaint nearly always arises. Yes, we need unity in churches, but combining into only one worship service is not a helpful strategy for achieving unity. Yes, it might feel good to all be in the same sanctuary at the same time, worshiping as one big happy family. But there’s no guarantee this brings unity. Certainly this feels good, but it remains a misguided attempt to solve a disunity problem. Instead of shrinking the church by combining worship services, churches might notice this indicator (the complaint) and work on their unity. Gathering around the mission and vision, along with core commitments, is a far better strategy for building unity (again, see our Crossing Thresholds Visioning Process).
An indicator there is a lack of vitality and vision
How often is this the real message below the classic multi-services complaint? Very often. Mission-drift happens. Like we as individual disciples, churches experience seasons of dryness, perhaps even wandering in the wilderness. When there is spiritual purpose in these times, they can be helpful parts of our collective journeys. On the other hand, they are often due to unintentional mission-drift, straying off course. When this is the situation, vitality recedes and energy drains. Vision for the near future grows stale and lifeless. During these times in church life, a commonly suggested fix is to combine worship services. This very clear change is sometimes more appealing than engaging the real questions about the current situation. Savvy church leaders can be guided toward vitality and vision work when this is the real message below the classic multi-services complaint.
An indicator of problems with one or more of the worship services
Have you noticed how we humans tend to treat the symptoms of a problem rather than the problem itself? We do this in so many areas of our lives, church included. Sometimes the classic multi-services complaint indicator arises because of problems with the worship services themselves. When this is true, two primary aspects of worship services are worth exploring.
Worship space and critical mass – When a sanctuary is less than 40% full (Alban Institute metric from back in the day), this is a problem. Current worshipers and new persons alike interpret this dynamic to mean there’s little life in this worship service. They project thoughts onto this service like, “this is a dying church,” or “there’s not much happening here.” One way to address this dynamic is to combine services. In this case, combining services can be a healthy approach toward resolving this problem. Combining services is not the only solution available, yet it is one of several.
Performance concerns – Churches really struggle here. Because they are love-based organizations, pursuing the Way of Jesus, many churches struggle when their beloved musicians are no longer able to serve effectively. When their pastors are a poor fit with this church, or when their pastors are under-performing in sermon preparation or delivery, then churches struggle with how to respond. When any aspect of the service is “off,” like the music too loud, or the preaching too long, or toxic emotional contagion is spreading through this worshiping body of believers… then resolving the problem through discontinuing this service is a common strategy. Not a healthy or ultimately helpful strategy, yet common nonetheless.
An indicator of distress in the system
I hope it’s clear by now where I’m going with the classic multi-services complaint indicator. What I’m suggesting is that we listen to the messages below the words. Everything means something, and this particular complaint often carries very helpful insights for church leadership. Certainly we must be curious, asking follow up questions with attitudes of curiosity, to find the meaning embedded therein. Yet, that’s what mature church leaders do. Rather than moving so quickly they can only take things at face value, skilled church leaders ask the second and third and fourth questions when this classic complaint speaks up. Using it for guidance to identify the stress in the system equips and empowers leaders to design helpful strategies that contribute to proactive forward movement.