Is The Fall of 2023 The Right Time?

by Doug Cushing

Could it be . . .

. . . that deep in the soul of your congregation, there is a growing desire to be part of a community of God’s people who seek to follow in the way of Jesus vigorously and authentically?

Is the Spirit . . .

. . . birthing a hunger within our congregations for something more than the normal church encounter; something beyond an hour-a-week worship experience that is siloed from the rest of the rich, abundant life promised to us by our Lord?

How might things . . .

. . . change in your congregation if members gathered weekly in small groups to study God’s Word, Pray, and share in God’s mission in your neighborhood? Maybe it’s time to consider launching MISSIONAL SERMON-BASED SMALL GROUPS within your congregation!

For more information of to sign up for Doug’s next webinar, click HERE.