What Are You Doing This Summer to Grow Disciples and Lead Inspiring Worship?

by Doug Cushing, Pinnacle Associate

Summer in most congregations often yields a slower pace with less programs and lower worship attendance. Faced with those inevitabilities, many pastors resign themselves to the fact that ‘not much happens’ during the summer. For dedicated and faithful congregation leaders, that resignation is often accompanied with a level of regret.

Things at the bridge Presbyterian Church are thriving this summer, primarily because of the missional sermon-based small group study series we are engaging. The sermon series this summer is: Walking Worthy of God’s Call which focuses on the book of Ephesians.

Each week three thriving small groups meet to discuss the sermon and the scripture passages; to pray together and to be on mission together. Additionally, our worship attendance has remained strong and we are seeing new visitors every Sunday. Most importantly, I’m hear things like: “I love our small group!” “I’m learning so much about Ephesians in our small group!”

Launching Missional Sermon-based Small Groups is the latest Pinnacle Initiative designed to help congregations launch small groups that integrate inspiring Sunday worship with Christian formation, fellowship and mission. These small groups change lives and revitalize congregations.

Is the Spirit birthing a hunger within our congregations for something more than the normal church encounter; something beyond an hour-a-week worship experience that is siloed from the rest of the rich, abundant life promised to us by our Lord?

If you’d like to learn more about Launching Missional Sermon-based Small Groups, or if you would like to sign up for Doug’s next webinar, please click HERE, or contact me, Doug Cushing at 52drdoug@gmail.com