Summit Coach Training: A Dream Becomes Reality

by Ircel Harrison

When Pinnacle Associates met on the South Carolina coast in February 2020, we shared dreams for the future of our group. One of those dreams was to offer a quality coach training program—one with a ministry orientation—that would meet the exacting standards of the International Coaching Federation, the world’s largest coach education accrediting group.

Then COVID-19 happened. With the encouragement of team leader Mark Tidsworth, we moved ahead, reaching out to Beth Kennett from the Center for Congregational Health to design and launch Summit Coach Training. Charity Roberson of CCH joined us as an instructor. Thanks to our leadership team and a great group of coaches-in-training, SCT has been a success.

With our online, person-to-person training, we have engaged over 50 people in classes. Eleven have completed our program, received the status of Summit Certified Life Coaches, and most are working toward a coaching credential. In February, the International Coaching Federation recognized SCT as an Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) program.

Come and join this journey of learning and growth as we launch our sixth cohort this month. Four classes plus mentor coaching will be offered.

“Introduction to Coaching,” the first module of Summit Coach Training is an accessible deep dive into skills like developing a coaching presence, active listening, asking good questions, and cultivating another’s learning and growth.

For the first time, we are offering this module in the evening to be more available for busy ministers. Time and dates are TUESDAYS, 7 PM ET/6 PM CT—APRIL 26 TO JUNE 28 (10 WEEKS). The first and last sessions will be two hours. All other weekly sessions will be 90 minutes.

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IS LIMITED, SO EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED. All hours are recognized by the International Coaching Federation as Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH). We can also provide CEU credits.

The fee for the module is $650. A deposit of $150 holds your spot. The remainder can be paid monthly.

Click here for registration and information about the courses.

Contact Ircel Harrison for more information.