Increasing The Energy In Your Church

by Mark Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader

Can you believe we are here? Most communities are easing mask mandates while increasing in-person gatherings. With great delight, a pastor recently shared that he and his spouse took in an Eagles concert. Even the season of the year is a time of new life and renewal. Energy in congregations is ready to rise.

Yet, how do we influence this? How do we jump-start dormant church systems? Do we start new programs or launch visioning or pursue new ministries? Many church leaders are overwhelmed by these questions, too tired for heavy lifting.

Instead, there is one key activity church leaders can pursue, which amplifies and increases the energy in their churches. Here it is.

Affirm every mission-congruent impulse and action.

The fastest way to shift church culture toward transformational growth is to affirm spiritual movement. Church leaders don’t have to start or create anything new to do this. Instead, church leaders open their eyes to the kingdom of God rising up around them, noticing how disciples in their congregations are participating. Then they offer thanks, affirming these disciples for participating with God’s movement through their church and in the world.

“Thank you for teaching that class today. Your teaching is a clear demonstration of your love for God and for people.”

“Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone to speak up about justice in our meeting today. Your prophetic voice changed the direction of this meeting, helping us pursue God’s calling.”

“When you spoke to Ray with such compassion after he told his story of loss, clearly God’s Spirit was in the room with us. Thank you for being a vessel of grace today.”

Why is this very simple activity by leadership so influential?

Because we human beings are wired to respond to affirmation. Child development specialists know the quickest way to help behavior improve in children is to reinforce closer approximations to the goal. This means giving attention and other reinforcement to children when they move toward healthy and helpful behavior. Faster than negative reinforcement, affirmation when children are moving in the right direction exerts greater influence. Unremarkably, adults are very similar, lighting-up when thanked or affirmed for positive movement.

How does church leadership do this?

Invite your church leadership to serve as kingdom scouts. Form a pact that you will watch your congregation for mission-congruent impulses and actions that serve as signs of the kingdom of God among you. When noticing, then determine you will each intentionally thank and affirm those persons participating in kingdom activities. You are then serving as scouts, recognizing where Holy Spirit inspired energy is rising and movement is taking shape.

We are always shaping our church’s understanding about what it means to be part of this particular church. What we speak about, meet about, and give thanks about are revelations of our values. When church leaders affirm mission-congruent moves, they are training the church to value this kind of activity.

May God give us the eyes to see, ears to hear, and wills to respond when Holy Spirit inspired movement rises in our congregations.