A Personal Pinnacle Reflection

by Mark Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader

As we near the end of this year, I would like to step aside from typical E-news topics, sharing a more personal Pinnacle reflection with you. This seems fitting, given this Advent and Christmas season; a time of recognizing God’s good gifts with gratitude. So, please join me in a look back and a look forward.

Looking back over 2022….

We are filled with great joy and profound vocational satisfaction.

Each Pinnacle Associate has served or is serving in various forms of ministry along life’s way. What strikes me when we are together for team meetings or collaborative projects is the joy in the room (literal or online rooms). Personally, I’m profoundly grateful I get to serve in this form of ministry, finding great joy in this work. Though I’ve enjoyed many excellent types of ministry service, I’m keenly aware of how this season of life seems to bring each of those into the present, taking shape and expression through Pinnacle. For this opportunity to serve in this way, I have been and remain, extremely grateful.

We carry a deep affection for our clients in our hearts.

Even though it sounds sappy, it’s true. Last year a pastor who has been in a cohort since Pinnacle began retired. I spent countless hours with him, as well as with his church in congregational events and leadership team retreats. Over time, this pastor transitioned from client to client-friend. We are in touch still since his retirement. These long-term relationships with our clients… they mean so much to us. At the same time, this past year we began new relationships with many new or younger clergy in our cohorts and through coaching. These relationships, ongoing and new, are treasured in our hearts.

Now, looking ahead to 2023, there are three major developments underway.

First, we are revisioning Pinnacle as we speak.

When we began in 2008, we were a team of five. Now we are a team of twenty-four. Over the last few years our growth has outrun our infrastructure and processes. So, from November 2022 – February 2023, we are revisioning Pinnacle. We have already moved from a founder-centered organization to an Associate-centered organization. Now, through internal and external visioning and input, we are discerning the shape of Pinnacle for this next season of life and ministry. I can’t effectively communicate how exciting this is, eager to see our shape and invite you to partner with us in new ways.

Second, we are launching new initiatives in 2023.

Looking back a moment, several new initiatives begun recently are rolling along well: Summit Coach Training, Same Faith – New Journey, Reshaping Church with Central Seminary, and Transformational Pastor Cohort, for example. Looking toward 2023, allow me to share a sneak peek, listing a few coming initiatives: Enneagram Services, SpiritFlow Christian Formation Services, Griefland Course and Group for Churches, New Books through PL Press, Pinnacle Academy, and The Current Situation Online Course.

Third, we continue to form partnerships.

Some of these are partnering around training that’s supported by grants (Central Seminary and The Lilly Endowment). Others are partnerships for gathering expertise (Instructors from various places in Summit Coach Training). Several new partnerships are in discussion with similar organizations and with denominational bodies. Like so many others, we recognize and value the inherent strengths of collaborative ministries.

Of course, we will discover other avenues of service as we go, given the changing ministry environment and the adventurous journey life is.

But know this… whatever we do, your trust and partnership are treasured deep in our hearts, blessing us each step of the way. May we all live into God’s good calling, alive in the adventure of Jesus this year and each year to come. We look forward to engaging with you in 2023 and beyond!