We Can't Do It For You

by Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

I wish we could. Believe me, I wish we were that much in control of the world and could stoke the fire in your church until you burn through whatever holds you back and burst into your greatest expression of church yet. I truly wish we could do that for you.

But we cannot.

Yes, we can come alongside you with inspiration and learning and reorganizing. We can boost your courage so you can face the adaptive challenges before you.

But we cannot give you fire in your bones.

That’s God’s work… and yours.

But what about all those institutional concerns (buildings, bodies, and budgets) that keep you awake at night? You call us and describe them in detail, very concerned and occasionally desperate. Yes, we hear you. Yes, they are real problems requiring attention.

But they are not the heart and soul of your church. They are second priority. They are tools, assets, or sometimes outcomes. They are not the mission or the goal.

When we leave our first love (God and God’s mission) for institutional metrics, we lose. The Church loses. Local churches lose. And few people in communities want to join with those churches.

Instead, it’s the gospel of Jesus Christ that has us in this. It’s the pearl of great price and the treasure hidden in the field. It’s living in the Way of Jesus that gives life its depth, texture, and beauty. It’s being part of a movement designed to turn this world’s values and norms upside down. It’s partnering with God toward bringing the kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.

This is what gives us heart and strength. This is what gets us up in the mornings. This is what drives us into the world with hope. This is far superior to cowering in the corner due to fear over metrics. This is what we and the entire world hunger for. We yearn and long for a way of life that’s invigorating, challenging, satisfying, and hopeful. We hunger for the way of Jesus.

So, when you call, email, text, or show up at our door…just know we cannot do that for you. Sure, we can help you with many things. Sure, we can encourage, push, pull, and drag you right up to the door. But we can’t open the door for you. Every disciple of Jesus, every gathered group of disciples…they/we all have our own work to do.

And when we seize enough courage to look away from our institutional concerns and metrics, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, that’s when we come alive. That’s when we are captivated by someone and something really, really good. That’s when we become disciples infused by the Holy Spirit, caught up in the adventure of Jesus.

Then we can help you.

For then you will have the spiritual stamina needed to address every need. Then you will dethrone institutional metrics from false god status, putting them in their rightful place. Then we can help you.

So may we love God first, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, loving our neighbors as ourselves…first. May we remember why we are in this anyway, captivated by God Almighty, pursuing the beautiful way of Jesus. Amen.