Church, Why Bother?

by Mark Tidsworth, Team Leader

He has mentored so many of us along the way through his insightful and grace-filled writing. Now Philip Yancey’s biography is available. Though I’ve just seen the announcement through an article (link below), I’m eager to lay my hands on it, engaging his reflections on a life of faith.

Even with so many million-copy best sellers, his book I value the most is overshadowed by many others, Church: Why Bother? I came across a copy about the time my church deconstruction was in full swing (2005-06), discovering not only another pilgrim on that journey, but spiritual nourishment for continuing onward.

Now, here in 2021, after all we’ve been through, perhaps this is a good time to revisit Yancey’s question – Church, why bother? Perhaps this is a good time to gather the saints who are your local body of Christ for dialogue and exploration. Those who gather are a sampling of those who have answered the question with affirmations. The volatility of our world has not been able to tear them away from church. What a rich discussion this could be…collectively answering, “Why Church?”

A couple years ago I put pen to paper in an effort to articulate my answers at the time. Reflecting on them today, I would add several more answers, but allow me to offer these two again. Perhaps they will help start the conversation among the saints in your church.

First, I love more and better due to church participation

Many in this Christian Movement see loving God, others, and self as our core calling. This is the essence of our faith, reflecting the description given by Jesus in the gospels. Even more, the primary purpose of loving in this way is not to give me a fantastic life. Though I’m constantly bombarded with the message from our culture that I should be laser-focused on my own success, happiness, and prosperity, that’s not the purpose of the kind of love God’s church models and teaches (when we are our best selves). When with our church community, I am encouraged to forget myself and look beyond my wants and desires. Our church actually uses words like self-denial, sacrifice, and generosity. All this to say that I’m less selfish and self-centered as a person due to participation with my church. Even more, as I forget myself more often, stepping out of myself in order to love God and others, I become a more loving person. Life is far more meaningful and significant as a result.

Second, I need people gathered around the Way of Jesus as life-partners




Since living in the Way of Jesus requires a vigorous spirituality, it’s easy to drift off, literally and metaphorically. When with my church community, I’m called back to this way of life inspired and powered by Jesus Christ. Since my schedule changed dramatically during this Coronavirus, I’m actually more able to participate with my church than before (previously serving in other churches most Sundays). Now I’m in a Zoom Sunday School class, teaching some, but mostly as participant. I can’t tell you how important that one-hour Zoom gathering each week has become to this pilgrim. No, it’s not dramatic or unusual or even super-spiritual. On the other hand, it is MY group, my tribe to ride this current wild river with. We are community and we are becoming community; gathered around the life-giving Way of Jesus. Until I found that again this time, I didn’t realize how much I needed these fellow pilgrims. I’m far more of a disciple due to the regular, consistent participation with my church community.

What about you? Why Church?

1 – link to article referenced: