Advent and Our Story

The church year begins with Advent.  It is the time when we recall again the hope, peace, joy and love that Christ brings.  It is also a time for us to look again, not only at the great story, but our own story.  Where is it leading?  Where is it leading us? Is God calling us to a different kind of ministry, a new beginning of our own?

For many in ministry, the stress of extra hours and services during the Advent season can lead to exhaustion which brings up questions of burnout, calling and vocational change. Too often those questions get put aside for yet another service, another year... and we wonder why Easter brings more feelings of despair.

The Pinnacle Vocational Coaching Intensive, beginning in January, offers a spiritual program for exploring these feelings and questions. Daily readings and questions keep participants focused on their need for change and vocational exploration.  A weekly coaching group (by teleconference) offers time and support for talking through these issues.  The coaching intensive can also be done individually with Pinnacle Career Coach Anita Flowers.

Remember that the wise men returned home a different way!  Advent really does bring hope!

Anita Flowers,
Pinnacle Associate
Helen R.